How does Trial Match app work?
It is designed to be installed by doctors and patients on cell phones or web applications.The patient or physician completes the application, then the physician manages all study variables and patient records. The Trial Match is a clinical trial management system that uses AI to connect patients and research for diagnosis and treatment.
Which patients can use the Trial Match app?
Patients with incurable diseases such as diabetes.There are also a number of participants, including students and those seeking economic compensation.
Who can work with it?
*General practitioners or specialists
*Allied health practitioners (i.e. psychologists, physiotherapists)
*medical imaging and pathology staff (Radiologists and pathologists)
*Engineers performing programming/routine maintenance of medical equipment
What is the purpose of creating the Trial Match application?
* Clinical trial sponsors and patients may have to wait for approval for a long time.
* Adverse reactions and any events or illnesses that occur during the trial.
* It can be a big challenge to find a good patient.
How can the Trial Match app help the pharmaceutical industry?
*This can save time searching for patients.
What is the problem on the sponsor’s side?
* Clinical trial sponsors and patients may have to wait for approval for a long time.
* Adverse reactions and any events or illnesses that occur during the trial.
* It can be a major challenge to find right patients.